About Me

B.A. Child & Adolescent Developmental Psychology

 M.Ed. Teaching & Learning

Digital Wellness Institute Educator and Ambassador

As a mom of three teenagers and a teacher with 21 years of experience, I understand the challenges that come with raising kids in the digital age! From getting the first phone and the introduction of social media apps to the world of gaming and the fear of letting them learn from mistakes, I've been through it all! And not with grace, mind you!

I've witnessed the arguments, the monitoring, the ban and block, and the endless negotiations surrounding tech use. The tears, the door slamming, and the famous "But everyone else is doing it!" phrase—we've experienced it too. Any of this sounding familiar yet? However, I learned that teens don't respond well to lectures and being told "no", whether they're your own or someone else's.

While teaching, I lead a lot of sessions with parents and students.  I realized the power of two-way conversations and equipping our teens with digital knowledge, positive habits, and media literacy skills to help them thrive. 

But it's not just about tweens and teens; even I have had my own struggles with digital wellness and balance! I'll admit, I've indulged in binge-watching TV shows, mindlessly scrolling on my phone, and wasting time on my devices. Between my classroom experiences and my personal experiences, I couldn't escape technology. So, I needed to do something about it, which lead me to the concept of digital wellness, and becoming a certified digital wellness educator.

Heather B Digital Wellness Educator

With over 21 years of teaching experience, including 12 years living internationally and 10 years in 1:1 device schools, I've seen firsthand the struggles our children face in this digital era. I've conducted numerous sessions for parents and students in schools, and have co-led webinars with Common Sense Media. Just as we teach math, reading, and history, we must also teach digital wellness. Together, we can make a positive impact on our children's digital lives.

In addition to my professional experiences, there's so much more to me. When I'm not working, you'll find me baking and decorating cakes and cookies, pouring my creativity into edible masterpieces. I have a weakness for romantic comedies and can often be found enjoying my favorite shows with a bowl of popcorn. My three adorable dogs keep me busy, but I love every moment spent playing with them. Being a wife and a mother is the core of who I am, and I love spending quality time with my three amazing teens. We've now lived in three countries and have explored 26!

Beyond my family life, I'm engaged in various activities that reflect my passions and values. I actively help my own teens navigate their digital lives and share my insights through blogging and podcasting. I advocate for important causes close to my heart and have even authored two children's books.



B.A. Child & Adolescent Developmental Psychology

 M.Ed. Teaching & Learning

Digital Wellness Institute Educator and Ambassador


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