
Welcome to my blog, where I'll try to share some tips, information and ideas that will help parents on all things education, digital wellness and digital citizenship!

Embracing Harmony: Nurturing Healthy Digital Habits in Tweens and Teens, 

"Get off your phone!" Sound familiar? Looking for ways to stop the arguing?

Active vs. Passive Consumption: Digital Wellness, 

There's a big difference between active and passive screen time. Let's start there and lose the overall generic "screen time" stigma. Also, download my free resources for you and your family!

How to Monitor Your Child's Online Activity Without Invading Their Privacy, 

When it comes to tweens and teens, things can get sticky and heated when talking about their devices. How can we open up the conversation?

The Benefits of Digital Wellness for Tweens and Teens' Mental Health, 

How can we help our tweens and teens' mental health during their online journey?

4 Healthy Digital Habits for Tweens and Teens, 

Developing healthy digital habits that will serve them well in the present and the future

Digital Realities and Mental Health with Tweens and Teens, 

The digital space has left parents and guardians staring into the Pandora’s box of our kids' screen-centric lives, evoking a sense of apprehension and fear among many.

A Journey of Trust and Connection, 

I'm often asked why my kids share their online life with me, so I asked them.

Empowering Parents: Tools for You and Your Teens, 

Understanding the concerns parents face, I've developed resources specifically tailored to address these challenges.

Smartphones in Schools: Weighing the Pros and Cons, 

Smartphones are not just devices for communication; they're powerful tools that can open up a world of information and possibilities.

Digital Citizenship Week, 

It's Digital Citizenship Week! Grab my slideshows to help you teach important topics and skills this week, as well as resources from others!

World Mental Health Day: Nurturing Digital Wellness for Our Youth, 

As we observe World Mental Health Day, it's a poignant reminder of the critical role digital wellness plays in the mental and emotional health of our young ones

How to Handle Holiday Tech Stress, 

Ah, the holiday season—a time for joy, festivities, and, let’s be honest, a bit of chaos! In the spirit of creating a tech-positive experience that connects us rather than divides, here are some mindful strategies to keep your digital holiday merry and bright, both at work and at home.

The Power of Consistent Messaging Around Screen Use, 

Its important to understand whether you're using conditional or consistent messaging when it comes to device boundaries in your home.

The Power of Digital Dungeons: Unleashing Hidden Talents in Our Teens, 

 Insights into the positive aspects of online interactions, particularly in the context of tabletop role-playing games. 

Balancing Content Creation and Mental Health: The Digital Wellness Dilemma, 

We often find ourselves caught between sharing insights and safeguarding our own mental health.

How Technology Empowers Neurodivergent Tweens and Teens, 

 Technology plays a pivotal role in the lives of tweens and teens, including those who are neurodivergent.

Navigating the Digital Landscape with Your Teens: Mentorship vs. Surveillance, 

I'm a proponent to mentoring over monitoring. Here's why.

Nurturing Digital Well-being: Empowering Our Children in the Digital Age,

There are some key elements that go into helping our children thrive in an online world. They need help in doing it.

The Pros and Cons of Giving Your Child a Smartphone, 

Handing over a phone comes with a lot of responsibility. There's also a range of emotions for a parent/guardian.

Understanding How Apps Keep Our Kids Hooked, 

It's important for our tweens and teens to understand how and why apps keep them coming back for more.

Empowering Our Teens: Navigating Technology for Their Bright Future, 

Are we setting up our children for their future? Are they ready for college and being on their own?

Becoming Less Engaged with Your Phone: Tweens, Teens & Adults, 

Are you trying to find ways of spending less time on your phone? Here are some ideas to get you started.

The Digital Wellness Conundrum: Unraveling the Threads App, 

What is Threads? Do we need to be on it? For what purpose? And what about safety controls?

What is Digital Wellness?: Nurturing a Healthy Relationship with Technology, 

In today's digital age, where technology plays an integral role in our lives, it's crucial for parents to understand the concept of digital wellness.

Amplifying Teen Voices: Nurturing Screen-Smart Kids through Parental Engagement in the Digital Era, 

Explore the importance of nurturing screen-smart kids through a holistic approach that includes digital wellness, digital citizenship, and active listening to our teens' voices.

Homework Apps for Tweens and Teens: Enhancing Digital Wellness While Boosting Productivity, 

Need apps to help you with your child's homework focus and productivity?

The Digital Detox Guide: Promoting Digital Wellness for Teens, 

Explore the concept of a "digital detox" for teens and discuss how parents can help their children achieve a healthier digital balance.

Mindful Considerations: Nurturing Healthy Tech Habits for Your Child, 

We need to consider the whole child as we look into what age is the right age for a cell phone and social media.

Scope and Sequence for Media Literacy, 

Here's a K-8 scope and sequence for any educators or homeschoolers out there. I want everyone to be able to access resources!

Tweens and Teens Constantly Checking Their Phones? 

Why are they constantly checking and how can we help foster better habits?

Amazing Podcasts for Tweens and Teens, 

Tech can be an awesome source of inspiration and learning!

You Can Still Change Your Tech Rules, 

Think it's too late to start implementing tech boundaries? Think again!

Digital Wellness for Parents: Prioritizing Your Own Habits in the Digital Age. 

Parents of tweens and teens need to believe in digital wellness and model too!


There's a lot of talk about ChatGPT. I try to make some basic sense about it for parents and educators.

7 Mindfulness Apps Perfect for Teens to Support Digital Wellness, 

Using tech for good...balancing our mental health with our tech use.

Remembering Matthew Perry: Friends, Laughter, and Life Lessons, 

 It's a loss that's deeply felt, not only for his incredible talent but also for the immense impact he had on my life, and countless others, through the screen.

We Want Your Child to Make Mistakes, 

The secret is out! We really do want your child to make mistakes in class. But why?

Beyond Accommodation: Building a Classroom Community that Honors Neurodiversity,

Taking a look at how classrooms can build strong and supportive communities for any type of learner.

Emotional Literacy: From School to Home, 

Learn about what emotional literacy is and how Skodel is helping your kiddos and teachers in school.

Digital Wellness, Media Mentor Month and Global Day of Unplugging, 

Looking to understand digital wellness and its importance in schools? Read my thoughts on why digital wellness is needed in addition to digital citizenship, and how parents can get involved.

Third Culture Kids, 

Third Culture Kids...Do you know one? Have one? Teach one? If you don't know who they are, I'll do my best to explain.

The Learning Pit, 

The Learning Pit theory suggests that learning is like a journey, and students often encounter challenges that can make them feel stuck or frustrated.

Transition from Elementary School to Middle School, 

As a parent to three teens and an educator, I've watched the transition happen from different perspectives. What I've learned is that it's all about preparing them with a holistic approach.

Have a tween or teen? Sign them up for my self paced course!

Free parent guide!

 Make sure to join our IG community, and listen to my podcast as well!


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Digital wellness Technology balance Digital detox Screen time management Healthy digital habits Mindful technology use Internet safety Cyberbullying prevention Mental health and technology Digital well-being Device management Online privacy Responsible technology use Digital self-care Tech-life balance Electronic device safety Digital mindfulness Tech addiction Digital citizenship Digital health